This is for when you have created your BlackBoard courses.
Course Author |
Course Title & Description |
Status (include related year)
- Completed
- In Revision
- Not Done
- Taught
Grade Level(s)
Core or Elective
Julia Parra |
CEL 560: Fostering Online Learning Communities |
- Created Spring 07
- Taught Sp07, Fall08, Fall09
- Modified Fall 08, 09
NMSU Graduate Certificate |
Sandy Johnson |
Vicki Evans |
Creative Art II, Blended
Not Done, Spring 2010
Grades 9 - 12 Elective
Victoria Johnson |
Shara Montoya |
Barbara Pearlman |
Tyson Rush |
Brandi Cox |
Richard Artman |
Jorge Avalos |
Katherine Jaramillo |
Sandra Almanza |
Yvonne Spencer |
Gaspar Lozano |
Chasity Montes |
Sara Hartman |
Vern Richardson |
Jacque Davenport |
Brenda Richardson |
Sherral Trotter |
Entrepreneurship: Be the Boss!
It's Your Money! How to Make It! How to Keep It!
Created in 2007-08; taught by IDEAL NM
Created in 08-09, taught by Jacque Fall 09 and Sherral Spring 10 (is this being taught in spring 10 in blackboard?)
Highschool 9-12 -Electives |
Alma Evasco |
Cyntha Habersat |
Priscilla Barrera |
Jonell Conway |
Kris Baca |
Tom Stidham |
Judy Groh |
Mike Newell |
Kim Artman |
Elementary Art |
Spring 2010 in process
K-5 or anyone wanting to know the basics of art.
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