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BeBold Course Catalog 2009-2010

Page history last edited by Sandy Johnson 14 years ago
Last Name First Name Course Title You Developed Level 
Almanza Sandra Business Technology  High School
Artman Kim Elementary Art  Elementary School
Artman Richard Physical Education  High School
Avalos Jorge NM History  High School
Baca Kris Virtual Office  Admin 
Barrera Priscilla Elementary Reading  Elementary School
Conway Jonell NM History  Elementary School
Cox Brandi 6th Grade LA  Elementary School
Davenport Jacque Student Success  High School
Evans Vicki Creative Art II High School
Evasco Alma Pre/Algebra  High School
Gordon  Ralph 6th Grade Math  Elementary School
Hartman Sara Earth Science  High School
Jaramillo Katherine Greek Mythology  High School
Johnson Victoria US Government High School
Lozano Gaspar Southwest Literature  High School
Montes Chasity Reading/Storytelling  Elementary School
Montoya Shara US History High School
Newell Mike PreAlgebra  High School
Pearlman Barbara Reading Together High School
Richardson Vern Bus Driving Training  Admin 
Rush Tyson Geometry  High School
Spencer Yovonne Personal Development  High School
Stidham Tom 8th Grade Social Studies  Elementary School
Trotter Sherral Graphic Art High School

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