Student Beta Testing Survey Questions
Level I Participants (Did not participate in OTLO- 1st year) Survey at 9 weeks and end of semester
Level II and III Participants (Participated in OTLO and/or are mentors) Survey at 6 weeks, 12 weeks and end of semester (you may want to survey at the end of each unit.)
Use these suggestions to devise a student evaluation of your course during Beta testing. You can survey the whole class or do a sample or focus group survey with your class. Some suggested delivery formats include SurveyMonkey or Blackboard's Survey Tool.
Possible Survey Questions
What course are you evaluating? (course list)
What semester did you take this course?
About the Online Course
How would you describe the ease of navigating the online course?
- very difficult
- difficult
- easy
- very easy
Rate the amount of effort required by this course. ( you will have to adjust the time for your course)
- I spent less than 4 hour
- I spent 4-6 hours
- I spent 6-8
- I spent more than 8 hours
How clearly were course objectives defined at the outset of this course?
- Not clear
- Somewhat clear
- Clear
Did the course help you meet the defined objectives?
How helpful were the textbook(s) and required study materials for understanding the subject?
- Not helpful
- Somewhat helpful
- Very helpful
- Comments
What, if any, specific activities or concepts addressed in this course did you enjoy the most?
Comments Box
About the Online Instructor
Please respond to each question using the following rating scale:
Knowledge of the subject matter
Ability to convey knowledge of the subject
Ability to stimulate interest in the subject
Administration of class and organization of materials
Fair and impartial grading
Attitude toward students
Interaction between students and instructor
Support for student-student interaction
online community development
creating instructor presence
Accessibility for answering questions in a timely manner
Overall rating of this instructor
About the Online Delivery
Your learning environment included a variety of tools. Please rate them on the following scale: (You will have to adjust to include the specific tools in your course)
- not valuable
- somewhat valuable
- valuable
- very valuable
Screencast software (i.e. Screencast-o-matic)
How would you describe the ease of navigating the online learning environment?
- very difficult
- difficult
- easy
- very easy
What have you liked most about this online course?
What have you liked least about this online course?
What are your recommendations and suggestions for changes that would be helpful for the next group of learners?
Would you recommend this online course to others?
Other Questions you might use-
1. The learning objectives or goals of the activities were clear to me.
2. The directions provided for my activities were clear to me.
3. Materials, links, or resources were available and easy to locate.
4. Instructions for the activities were easy to follow.
5. The content provided was important and I learned new things.
6. The online course was easy to navigate and I knew where to go and what to do next.
7. The time allotted for each activity was appropiate.
8. I spent ______ mins/hrs per activity. This was in the timeframe allowed for each activity.
9. I learned ________ (nothing, some, what was expected of me) by participating in this activities.
10. The content was challenging to me.
11. I enjoy learning using technology for my lessons.
12. It was clear to me I was supposed to do online as well as what I was to do in my face to face class.
13. The discussion board was a worthwhile activity.
14. What did you like about this course?
15. What areas in the course do you think need improvement?
16 What was the strenght of this course.
17. The teacher had was available to assist me in my online course.
18. Group work online worked well.
19. The online course complimented and enhanced my learning of the content in the face to face class.
20. I spent ___________ per week in the online classroom.
21. I appreciated the use of the announcement area-it was beneficial to me.
22. I used the message area in Blackboad to contact my teacher.
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